Chicken Soup with Tofu Pork Wrap

酸菜雞湯百頁捲 Chicken Soup with Tofu Pork Wrap

Feeling like to have some light, low-carb food, I wrapped minced pork and chopped coriander leaves filling with tofu skins. The tofu skin wraps then boiled in the chicken soup I braised yesterday with pickled Chinese mustards. Quickly transforms a leftover into a new tasty meal.


Traveling around the world, I’ve seen how those Chinese take out mislead people’s perception about Chinese food. Wok fried, heavy seasoned with soy sauce and MSG, cornstarch thickened at all time is not authentic Chinese cooking. Real Chinese cuisine is mastering selections of fresh ingredients, seasonings, various cooking methods to deliver genuine taste of food that wow your taste buds. I’m no Michelin chef but someone who knows how authentic Chinese cuisine should taste like. Welcome to my dinning table and enjoy the real Chinese food. Bon appétit!